Monday, February 19, 2007

A Weekend on Empty, Pt. 1

My alarm sounded at 9 AM Friday morning. I think if I knewI was about to have the most whirlwind weekend of my life I would have stayed in bed, but dressed and ready to go I hopped in my car and drove up to the office.

For the most part, the office was relatively normal (if you consider Danny, Josh, and I in the same room normal). I don't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure at 3 that afternoon was where it all began. I got a call from my friend Pat around that time. At that point we made plans to hang out this weekend. Not shortly after my phone call none other than my awesome boss came in and asked me to find a sound byte for a skit on sunday. Without hesitation I agreed to finding his soundbyte. And that's when It all started.

Shortly after that dialogue Danny gets a call from the man that is housing our church's trailer. Now for those who aren't familiar with my church, we're portable and pretty much everything we need to have church is in this trailer (other than Jesus). Back to the story, this man calls up and informs us that the trailer is stuck 150 feet out in an ice patch and we need to go dig it out. Now by this time, it's about 6 and Danny and I were both looking to go out and enjoy our respective friday nights and had rehearsals to attend. With those plans dashed, we called on the help of our good friend Ernest, and rushed over to the trailer and began the dig. We must have dug for about an hour or so when the guy came back with the plow and finished off the job.

So now that it's 8 pm I'm running an hour late (and I still have to meet up with my friend Pat in an hour), I jet over to where my church is having a rehearsal that I needed to attend. Luckily they were still going at it, but after 15 minutes I had to jet and find Pat. Once I got home, I waited for Pat and when he got to my house, we proceeded to make a Wendy's run (since I ate nothing all day and I was starving). We get back at around 10 when my mom and dad return.

Now mind you, I'm looking to go to bed as I have to get up at 5:40 AM tomorrow morning AND I still have to work out. So my mom, sister, and Pat all decide it would be a brilliant idea to go to wal mart and shop around. Since they claimed it would only be a "30 minute" trip, I went (since i had to pick up some things too). Once we got there and I picked up what I needed (some snacks for tomorrow, a 4 pack of rockstar), I realized none of my team was ready to leave. They had been in the clothes section the entire time. So needless to say, since we weren't leaving anytime soon, I decided to try some stuff on. I couldn't find anything I liked, so at about midnight we decide to leave. Tired, and ready for bed, I go to sleep, and wait for tomorrow to come....

Rockstar count, soon to be 2

Thursday, February 15, 2007

you stay classy, blog!!

haha sweet, my thoughts are on the internet!!